Minggu, 11 November 2018



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about GOeureka

All you need to know is that with the problem that is currently occurring by the hotel ordering party that is detrimental to the Buyer at a very high tariff price compared to the original price of the hotel. the lack of transparency that causes prices to be higher than unfair commissions for OTAs which ultimately reduce hotel margins and increase prices for consumers or hotel reservations.

Abandoned hotel loyalty programs that can make consumers lose points and then free hotel prizes. And the last problem, the search for bias generated through search results that are modified and rearranged in OTA ultimately determines the choice and value of consumers. With that also the great leaders or teams armed with very much experience provide solutions for the ordering parties who have felt disadvantaged by the number of third parties who take advantage by harming consumers or ordering hotels.
The first is the impact on hotel bookings from online travel agents that dominate the sector, pushing up to 70% of all online bookings.
Second, high commissions generate OTAs that charge hotel fees of 15-30% of the commission, affecting hotel margins.
Third, the lack of access to increase OTA dominance limits hotel access to consumers looking for hotels.

GOeureka is a platform or application that allows you to rent hotels that are equipped with the best features and advanced technology of today.

Goeureka can also be called a travel technology company that uses blockchain technology to build a hotel booking platform.

Because the mission or purpose in its form is to decentralize the hotel booking sector and provide better transparency by allowing hotels to connect directly with their customers. As a technology partner for hotels.

The GOeureka team thought they might have found one thing that might give this building a handle on its agency. To do this, the GOeureka (GO) platform uses blockchain technology to position itself as an unbiased and clear technology partner for hotels, a dynamic ancient loyalty system, and provide additional prices for all or all hotels and their customers. The main features of GOeureka Platform GOeureka are designed for various devices and are easy to use. Project-made intelligence quickly found hotels that met shopper’s wishes consistent with the parameters given. A user will determine any criteria of choice, as well as costs for accommodation, food selection and choice of rooms, views from windows, etc. They make an effort to make vacation tourists as comfortable as can be achieved.

The presence of GOeureka itself is caused by many problems that consumers complain about.

The first problem was the lack of transparency which caused prices to be higher than unfair commissions for OTA which ultimately reduced hotel margins and raised prices for consumers.
The second problem is the abandoned hotel loyalty program that can make consumers lose points and then free hotel prizes.
The third problem, the search for bias generated through search results that are modified and rearranged in OTA ultimately determines the choice and value of consumers.

For hotel problems that must be resolved by the Goeureka team,

The first is the impact on hotel bookings from online travel agents that dominate the sector, pushing up to 70% of all online bookings.
Second, high commissions generate OTAs that charge hotel fees of 15-30% of the commission, affecting hotel margins.
Third, the lack of access to increase OTA dominance limits hotel access to consumers looking for hotels.

GOeureka’s Vision
GO includes a commitment to produce web schemes where businesses grow by providing the most effective services to tourists. As a technology partner for building trades, GO can provide easy applications and internet experience and direct the unit area to users while not high commissions on most sites. By freeing up resources for the hotel, the GO can modify it to provide higher client prices and services with its resources.

GOeureka Mission
Goeureka’s mission is to decentralize the hotel booking sector and provide better transparency by allowing hotels to connect directly with their customers. Without having to go through a third party that can harm consumers in booking hotels.

One billion GO Tokens will be issued with one GO token = IDR 10,000. there will be a reduction in the distribution of the GO Token bonus when it meets the most recent or planned cut-off date, whichever comes first. while half an hour will be stored in a very large reserve pool for operational initiatives, funding to promote ways, and various activities relevant to business growth. during personal pre-sale, contributions will be received in US dollars (USD), Singapore dollars (SGD) or Ether (ETH). All contributions will be reborn to ETH, live, with the applicable rates. Token sales can take around 3 weeks.

GO can hold a personal presale in the first 1 month of the ball before the Token Sales with a licensed capitalist, with a minimum contribution of $ 5,000,000 each. Unit areas interested parties are welcome to submit a white list with the head to be part of this fundraising. Contributors to funds collected in all units of this era are entitled to a half-hour bonus distribution. the highest limit in all of these balls is one hundred fifty,000,000 GO Tokens and can be closed the time period before the Token Sales. If the highest limit is not reached throughout the personal pre-sale, it will be opened to the general public, with a minimum request for contributions of $ 1,000 (equivalent ETH value). there will be a bonus distribution of V-days on all these balls.

Token sales can end faster when the full limit is met or during the third Sunday of Token Sales. All unsold tokens will be burned.

The founders of GO tokens and teams will be banned and can be withdrawn every 3 months for 24 months, while advisors can receive their tokens for six months when the ICO. Tokens from the Reserve Pool will be used to accelerate the implementation of the GO platform. to promote the platform quickly at a much faster rate, GO aims to lift the United States $ sixty million, when the main ball makes initial funding.

GO has spent the last twelve months performing on the beta platform, consulting blockchain technology on the token model in preparation for the initial coin supply. To effectively match existing OTAs, the United States $ 60 million is needed to scale the platform and also increase our gross orders for three consecutive years.

Expedia figures show a high potential for fast revenue growth. for example, Expedia makes gross orders more than the United States $ 70 billion in 2016 against its operating prices (eg, marketing, salaries) in almost US $ 7 billion.10. It won’t be perfect if the platform doesn’t have tokens for users to do interesting things on the platform. Therefore, Goeureka also has a token named GO Token. GO Token that serves as a payment to rent a hotel with ERC20 standard. This Token GO function is used to buy products and services that are on the GOeureka platform. GO Token users will enjoy discount rates, prizes and other value added benefits. After you buy the token, you will receive a GO Token after the ICO results audit is complete. You can sell GO Tokens on the exchange in the near future or spend them on the existing Goeureka platform with better value and greater benefits.

Token Name : TGO
PreICO Price 1 GOT : 0.10 USD
Price 1 GOT : 0.10 USD
Platform :Ethereum
Accepting : ETH
Soft Cap : 4,000,000 USD
Hard Cap : 60,000,000 USD

Detailed information:
Website: https://goeureka.io
White Paper: https://goeureka.io/#download
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GoEurekaTravel
Twitter: https://twitter.com/goeurekatravel
Telegram: https://t.me/goeureka
ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3382526.0;all

author: akudanko
bitcointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1009363
ethereum addres: 0x6E88E5424950050c14D1E22294a0C1B9586c3DE4

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